
Monitoring and Improving


Entry criteria

  1. APIs are published with discoverable documentation.
  2. Registration processes are operational.
  3. Support and communication channels for API consumers are ready.
  4. Legal and compliance requirements for providing and consuming the API are clear enough for publishing.

Exit criteria

  1. Insights from metrics and feedback are used to optimize APIs

Doing the API work

Define and monitor performance metrics (e.g., API calls, latency, error rates) and adoption metrics (e.g., NPS). Analyze API usage metrics and incorporate user feedback into API iterations.
Helpful resources

Enabling the API work

  • Set up analytics frameworks to track performance and engagement.
  • Develop feedback loops, analytics tools, and engagement strategies for APIs.

There are the typical dashboards and measures used for measuring business and technical performance and developer satisfaction for APIs. Depending on the API management platform used, there are analytics dashboards available in the Developer portal for API consumers and in the API management portal for API Providers. In most API management platforms, there is a way to export in real-time or manually the data to BI- or log analytics tools or any platform using APIs.

What should you measure?

Typical APIOps Dashboards

  • Business performance
  • API Consumer dashboard
  • API Provider dashboard
  • Change events (deployments and infrastructure changes) dashboard
  • Alerts dashboard

Some example KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)

  • Revenue (MRR) generated by APIs
  • Other added value generated by APIs; additional sales, aqcuisitions, TCV and other customer lifetime value metrics, NPS
  • API management recurring costs
  • API management licensing and maintanance costs
  • API management infrastructure costs; cloud, on-premise (if needed)
  • APIOps costs; development of new and existing APIs, monitoring and maintaining APIs, API runtime environment costs (cloud or on-premise)