The APIOps Cycles is a set of tools and methods for designing API Management compatible APIs with Clear business orientation and best practice architecture patterns.

Is it free, what can i do with it?

The method is licensed with CC-BY-SA 4.0 license, so you may use them for commercial purposes and even modify if you share your versions with the same license. Osaango owns the trademarks for APIOps Cycles and APIOps and allows the use in relationship to the the method and canvases with trademark ownership and relationship and licensing of the method mentioned.

how can i learn more about it?

Learn more and participate in adopting and developing the method in our blog where you will find information on meetups, training, consulting and certification programs.

what is apiops?

The method highlights the unique nature of developing and operating APIs compared to other software. APIOps, like DevOps, has roots in Lean management.


APIOpsTM is a registered trademark. Osaango Ltd is one of the trademark holders for software development methods, community, and training. Why trademark? Mostly to protect the term so companies couldn't use it for their own promotion, but that it would be used for the community. The term was coined 2015 from DevOps (Wikipedia) by Jarkko Moilanen. In August that year, APIOps community was kickstarted.

In the beginning, the idea of APIOps was formulated to stand for: APIOps goal is to design, build, test and release APIs more rapidly, frequently and reliably.


In October 2022, The API Collective members from Osaango and APIsFirst used all experiences gained from client and partner projects and workshops to do a major rewrite of the APIOps Cycles method. All the method descriptions were improved, canvases got a fresh new look and checklists were modified and simplified.

Early 2018 Osaango Ltd. was established by Marjukka Niinioja with help from other API and training gurus to take APIOps Cycles to the next level and beyond.

APIOps Cycles -method is developed originally at Digia Plc.

During 2017 Marjukka Niinioja while moving from API Development manager tasks to Digia Plc, combined Jarkko Moilanen’s and her own similar curated thoughts about API value chain automation, API Canvas, DevOps and Lean Startup methods to complete set of methods. With the help of Marjukka APIOps focus moved more towards business-driven thinking rather than technology and automation. Business-oriented APIOps Cycles method was born! The method has been used and trained in early customer cases and open courses. Several people from Digia Plc and community contributed to finalizing the first version of APIOps Cycles. We would like to give special thanks to Turo Hyppönen, Jani Iivari and Sami Lairala for giving their input for the first beta-version development of the method. Digia Plc contributed the APIOps Cycles to the APIOps community on 08/2017.

APIOps Cycles

method for lean api development

Great APIs need skilled people and a good method, which let's you create APIs as products - fast.
APIOps Cycles method is vendor & technology-neutral.

Read the free e-book "The 8 wastes of lean in API development". Learn quick tips on how to remove the wastes using the APIOps Cycles method.