API Audit

Get Started

After auditing the API to ensure it meets functional, security, and performance standards, the next step is to make it accessible and usable for API consumers. API Publishing focuses on providing developers and stakeholders with the tools, documentation, and support they need to successfully integrate the API.

API Audit

The API Audit phase ensures that API designs align with organizational guidelines and best practices. This phase leverages structured checklists to assess key areas, including business requirements, developer experience, compliance with standards, and security considerations. For APIs integrated into an API management platform, compatibility and operational readiness are also evaluated. Note: The APIOps Cycles API Audit checklist serves as a foundation for building customized checklists tailored to specific needs. While comprehensive, it does not replace rigorous security assessments or guarantee completely secure APIs


Prepare for the Audit

  1. Collect all API-related documentation from previous stations (e.g., design specs, consumer feedback, performance benchmarks).
  2. Define the audit's scope (e.g., functional, security, operational).
Click image to enlarge.
API AuditAPI Audit Checklist

Conduct the Audit

  1. Evaluate the API against key criteria:some text
    • Functional: Are all endpoints working as designed? Do they meet the consumer requirements?
    • Non-Functional: Is the API scalable, secure, and performant within the defined thresholds?
    • Consumer Perspective: Does the API documentation accurately represent the current functionality? Are developer portals and onboarding processes seamless?
  2. Use automated tools where applicable
Click image to enlarge.
API AuditAPI Audit Checklist

Report and Act

  1. Compile findings into a short report.
  2. Classify issues based on criticality (e.g., must-fix, should-fix, optional enhancements).
  3. Plan remediation steps, assigning them to relevant teams.
Click image to enlarge.
API AuditAPI Audit Checklist